Panama City Beaches Open and FL Governor Reopens State in Stages

Family at SunsetTHE BEACHES ARE OPEN in Panama City Beach! There are no time restrictions as of May 1st. Social distance yourself 6 feet and stay in groups of 10 or less. Vacation condo and beach house rentals are still suspended. Hotel & motels remain open.

Florida enters what Governor DeSantis called “phase one” of the reopening process as of May 4, as the state continues to fight the spread of coronavirus. “Each phase we’re thinking about weeks, not thinking about months,” DeSantis said.

  • Restaurants may offer outdoor seating with six feet of space between tables and indoor seating at 25% capacity
  • Retail stores can operate at 25% of indoor capacity
  • Sports arenas and movie theaters will remain closed
  • Bars, gyms and personal services such as hair dressers and barbers remain closed
  • Vulnerable individuals should avoid close contact with people outside the home
  • Schools continue distance learning this school year
  • Visits to senior living facilities are prohibited
  • Elective surgeries can resume

Phase one maintains current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including continuing social distancing while in public, avoiding groups of 10 or more and using face masks in public when you can’t maintain six feet away from others.

The Short-term Rental Ban has been extended by the Governor with Executive Order 20-112. This order will remain in place indefinitely until subsequent action is taken by the Governor. This affects condos, beach houses and other private rentals. Hotels and motels remain open.